simpleEnthusiast Progress Report

Anthony Wilson

1311 words

Raider Gangs

492 words


688 words

Retikan Seadwellers

1973 words

Retikan Standard

1325 words

Nathan West

789 words

Shaun West

462 words

Shaun Wilson

504 words

Melody Manning

The Lone Wanderer

143 words

Elizabeth Alto

Courier Six

63 words

Diego Wilson

The Youthful Resident

480 words

Harvest Festival

878 words

simpleEnthusiast Progress so far

10555 words 105.55% completed!

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I'm a genderfluid fanfic author who reads and worldbuilds wayyyy more than I actually write. This is a place to organize my thoughts more than anything else, but you guys are welcome to have a look!

Interests & Hobbies

Worldbuilding, Text-based roleplay, writing/reading fanfic.

Favorite Games

  • Fallout Franchise
  • Star Trek Online

Latest Loved work

D&D Beyond Importer