Meanwhile, Ivan was returned to his contemplation. He did not hear that someone opened the door but felt a reassuring presence, his girlfriend had just arrived.
Mariya Toumanova is a young woman in her thirties, with piercing eyes and long brown hair that fell over her shoulders. She was dressed in a pale pink suit, a symbol of her office.
- Hi Mariya, Ivan said, kissing her, had a good trip?
- Hi Ivan, everything went well, Father salute you.
Straightened, she looked around her and saw the piles of blueprints and notes covering the meeting room, the drawn chairs and Cortex screen still on. She understood the purpose of her coming.
- Tell me, why are you working here in the meeting room, having an office on the floor above?
- I needed space to think, the office is too small. I needed Cortex, it helps me, and it calms me.
- That is why, you work here?
- You know that I do not like being locked up.
- Rather say that you have always been lonely, a fighter who prefers chaining missions around the galaxy instead of dealing with his responsibilities.
- But Mariya...
Mariya cut him off with a kiss
- You know you're not alone... your family is there... I'm here...
- I know... Father sent you here to lecture me?
- No, he asked me to remind you why you're here with us. I want you to grow up Elfindel, you must finally face your duty.
- Nienna, you know I've always been a fighter, I do not like being locked up. Father want me to change, but I do not know if I'm ready.
- But we are here to help you, you know it, you are not alone, your family is here... I'm here... Sofiya is there...
Ivan cut her off with a kiss
- Sofiya is just my aide, nothing more...
- Oh, and why she always accompanies you on your missions? Why she knows more than me?
- Mariya ...
Ivan was stopped by a noise; someone was knocking at the door.
- Who is there? Asked Mariya.
-It's Albus, my assistant.
-The human?
- He is no longer a human...
Mariya went out, slamming the door.