World Building Summercamp

1 Month · 32 Prompts · Infinite Inspiration

What is World Anvil's Worldbuilding Summer Camp?

World Anvil's Worldbuilding Summer Camp is a month-long Worldbuilding Challenge that takes place in July each year!

We release worldbuilding prompts, and by answering them on World Anvil you can expand your worldbuilding project, learn more about worldbuilding, and win prizes too!

Where does Worldbuilding Summer Camp take place?

Our world building summer camp takes place online—which means you can join in from wherever you are in the world! You'll need a World Anvil account—just a free account is fine—in order to submit the prompts!

Make sure you don't miss our Summer Camp live streams, the heart of the challenge, on our Twitch Channel! Tune in for raffles, inspiration and advice on worldbuilding, and to hear the prompts first!

And you can find more inspiration on our social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord) where you can also get the latest news, and announcements about what's happening. Use #WASummerCamp to share your work and talk about the event!