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Here ends the earliest written stories of the gods, however, they are not the only scriptures we have written. This compendium is more a collection of oratory tales on the creation of the gods, written for the preservation of its rich history. On the matter of the gods, they are still very much alive and well today, worshiped in their many faceted aspects, both benevolent and mercurial. There is something to be said for the value of these stories, for starters, they paint the gods in a very one dimensional light, often portrayed as purely good individuals. Scholars today would see this as a means to tailor to the value of their worship and the benefits of their gifts.

However, these stories are, at best, a very naive approach at the personalities and complexities of the gods. Of course, that is not to say that the gods are not, in fact, benevolent in their right, the proper shepherds and wardens of us, the 'children'. It is more so a fact to point out, taking into consideration that the stories themselves omit much of the calamities and troubles they wrought onto humanity. They seem to point out those things in hush tones, limelighting the good of the gods, which is of no fault of their own, as these are stories told by others that are shaped in their image and agenda. 

No doubt, there is kernel of value in knowing that the gods are far more complex than these tales would have us think, and in fact, in many of there other stories do we find the multi faceted nature of the gods. If ever the reader garners a curiosity for the reality that is the gods in true form, they should seek to read many of their shorter tales, the epics of heroes, the making of legends. The gods bless us today, even now, they send choose champions to do their bidding and we are their humble children. This is to be considered, for we are the children of the gods, and we walk in their light, for in their light, we find wisdom and the means to carry on. 

Once again, we find ourselves at the point of all understand. That we are tied to them in a divine way that we cannot cut, we cannot deny. The gifts of the gods are many, the value of their wisdom is immeasurable, and they ask for nothing. They ask that we nurture their will as they nurture us. As a parent is to their beloved child, and they are as such and we are as such...beloved by the gods. 

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