In a world defined by elemental influence and scarred by the whims of their fallen gods, humanity believes they now follow their own path. The Kingdom of Accia seeks to spread their influence across all of Emynea, holding the fate of three continents within...
Since the day he was born, Eros has only ever had two titles: The Least prince, and the Cursed Son.
He’s always fought the idea, believing them to just be foolish cutdowns by those who envied his family. But with his ever present failing health, and the family...
Iver has survived his first year at the academy. He managed to join the Sect of the Dark Hunter but must keep that truth veiled. The young Darkling is still recovering from a broken heart and the bitter sting of betrayal. But just when Iver thinks he knows...
In a world defined by elemental influence and scarred by the whims of their fallen gods, humanity believes they now follow their own path. The Kingdom of Accia seeks to spread their influence across all of Emynea, holding the fate of three continents within...
Mages Nova and Avon have spent years fighting for survival against devil incursions and callous humans. Now, three newcomers threaten to destroy the tenuous safety they've built.
Re: content warnings
I've done my best to cover all the bases, but I'm unsure...
With the foundation of the Divine Kingdom of Gorbolia, the Dark Days were officially in the past, and years of peace ended with them. What followed was an era filled with spirituality, political intrigues, and wars. When the King of Gorbolia - in his delusion...