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Grand Prix of the Galaxy I

By VanitasWolf

540 0 0 18308

(Translated with the help of AI) In a future where the universe is torn apart by conflicts, a mysterious force called the "Eon" offers a final chance for peace: an intergalactic race, where the winner will gain eternal immortality for their species. Kai,...

Grand Prix der Galaxy I

By VanitasWolf

570 0 0 18897

In einer Zukunft, in der das Universum von Konflikten zerrissen ist, bietet eine geheimnisvolle Macht, der "Eon", eine letzte Chance auf Frieden: Ein intergalaktisches Rennen, dessen Gewinner ewige Unsterblichkeit für seine Spezies erlangen soll. Kai, ein...

The Dillston Files — Della

By JJ Bresslah

4019 1 0 4998

Della Simmonds embarks on a new chapter of life by moving cross-country with her two feline companions, Chico and Zeppo. She has her reasons for picking up and moving thousands of miles on what seems like a whim, but will trying to leave her past behind her...

Thaugangird Akeput

By EmptyManuscript

8490 0 0 3116

Ashala of the house Ovolen loves two things: the power she gets from being the eldest daughter of the Suvonor and her best friend Bogey. It's not that Bogey doesn't like Ashala, far from it, but Ashala is trouble and no one knows it better than Bogey who,...