Chapter Thirty Five

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(Other Realm) 

Alethia let out a tired yawn, her first day of rest in what felt like an eternity, and yet she couldn't spend it with Ryos. He had some urgent business to attend to, and she didn't bother prying into the details. Instead, she found solace in honing her archery skills at the inn's shooting range. With a firm grip on the bowstring, she pulled back, her focus fixated on a target several hundred feet away. Releasing the string, she observed with satisfaction as the arrow soared through the air, striking the center for the fourth time that day. 

The proprietor of the range couldn't help but applaud her prowess. 

"Well done, well done! That was an exquisite shot, my dear. You haven't missed a mark yet."

A modest smile graced Alethia's lips as she lowered her head in gratitude. "Thank you, sir."

He shook his head, extending another bow towards her. "Are you absolutely certain you won't consider sharing your expertise and teaching beginners? Your skill with a bow is truly remarkable."

Alethia politely declined, shaking her head. "No, I already have my hands full with my current occupation. But I appreciate the offer, nonetheless."

The proprietor sighed, disappointed, as he observed another one of her arrows flawlessly hit its target. "If you insist, miss."

As he walked away, leaving her with a quiver full of arrows, Alethia reached for another one. Suddenly, a searing pain jolted through her head, causing her to drop the arrow and clutch her temples, as a vivid memory unexpectedly materialized within her mind.

 She sensed his energy that fateful night of revelry, leading her to a nearby cave not far from the palace. Surprisingly, he made no attempt to assail or harm her, merely grumbling incessantly about her presence. Despite his reputation as a malevolent being, he appeared more disgruntled than anything by her existence. The passage of fifty years had done little to diminish her resolve, even as she trained relentlessly day after day. Deep down, she knew she could never fulfill the prophecy. For she had fallen irrevocably in love with the very person she was destined to destroy.

Seated beside the tranquil pond nestled within the heart of their secret garden, she pondered the escalating war and the untold suffering inflicted upon innocent souls due to the other deities' hatred for the one she held dear. Summoning her courage, she finally approached her father and, after engaging in heated debates and heartfelt pleas, managed to sway him to her cause. Though he did not approve of her choice in love, with the assistance of the council of elders, they reached a compromise. If Alethia could convince Kakaron to willingly relinquish his defensive powers, her father would consent to their union.

As she stood, her fingertips gliding through her tousled locks, she wondered why he was so tardy. Even amidst the chaos of war, he had always been punctual. Just as she contemplated leaving and returning to the palace, she felt his energy surge and his arms envelop her waist. 

"And where do you think you're off to, my little star?" he murmured.

Resting against his chest, her eyes closed, she replied, "I must return. I am expected to attend one of my father's meetings."

"Another gathering to discuss your imminent annihilation?" he questioned with a hint of bitterness. Stepping away from his embrace to face him directly, she sighed softly. 

The vision materialized, revealing Marcus standing before Alethia, clutching a piece of parchment. 

"When will you learn? How many times must I reiterate this? He desires your demise to strike at me," he proclaimed, thrusting the note into her hands. "Read it!"

Taking the note, she carefully perused its contents. "You will suffer, Marcus. You will bear witness as I mercilessly claim your beloved daughter's life. I shall ensure her agony knows no bounds." 

Alethia held her head, shaking off the remnants of pain. That experience had been intense, but she couldn't believe it was true. How many times had he manipulated her into falling in love with him, all in an attempt to get to her father? She pulled another arrow from her quiver and let it fly. Standing beside her, a fellow marksman watched her shoot, impressed by her skill.

"Impressive shot," he remarked.

Alethia nodded in gratitude, her back still turned to the newcomer. His voice sent a shiver down her spine as she released another arrow.

"Your skills with a bow have always impressed me," he said.

She spun on her heel, her arrow already aimed at his heart. "And who are you pretending to be now?" she demanded.

"Don't you recognize the local blacksmith?" he smirked, half-bowing.

"Leave, now, before you meet my arrow up close and personal," she warned.

"It wouldn't be the first time, and it won't be the last, little star. But if you intended to shoot me, you would have already done so. I've never seen you hesitate or miss," he taunted.

"Stop talking as if you know me. You know nothing about me," Alethia retorted.

"I know everything about you, beautiful. Way more than that little play demon of yours. You'll tire of him soon enough, or your father will chase him away once more. But that's beside the point. I'm not going anywhere. I've been keeping an eye on you, and I will continue to do so. I just thought it might be easier if you knew I was here. At least I don't need to continue hiding," he said, before disappearing before her eyes.

The next day, Alethia was bustling about, serving customers in the midst of the rush. She set down a tray on a table and handed out the designated drinks. "Here you go, boys. I'll be back in a while. If you need anything in the meantime, just wave me over," she said, making her way to the counter to grab the next order. As she walked past a table, a customer pinched her ass. She sighed softly and set her tray down on the bar, grumbling, "If that guy grabs my ass one more time, I'm going to kick him."

Ozark laughed softly. "Now, no beating on my customers, Alethia."

Gathering up the next order, she replied, "My ass is going to be bruised by the time this night is over."

Ozark patted her hand affectionately as she hoisted the tray onto her one hand and made her way through the crowd to the next table. She set the drinks down with a smile. "Here you go, lads. Anything else you need, just give me a shout."

Glancing at the door, Alethia noticed Kakaron walking in and taking a seat at one of the few empty tables. She smiled as she approached his table. "What can I get you tonight?"

"Well, I know what I would like," Kakaron replied

 Alethia glared at him. "Yeah, well, that's not on the menu."

Kakaron smirked. "Well, I've heard the spiced potatoes are really good. How about the venison and spiced potatoes? That would be great."

Alethia smiled. "Good choice. And to drink?"

Kakaron thought for a moment. "What was that drink you were so fond of? Ah, yes, elven wine. I'll take a glass of that, please."

Alethia leaned on the table, her smile turning mischievous. "You know you're lucky I'm the only one who knows who you are, Kakaron," she whispered softly before straightening back up. "Coming right up, sir." She headed back to the bar, passing the table where the guy had pinched her again. Alethia bit her lip and slammed the tray down on the bar. "One house special, please, Ozark. If he does it one more time, I swear I'm going to kill him. And I mean it."

Ozark smiled softly. "Don't do anything hasty, Alethia."

Glaring at him, she replied, "He keeps grabbing my ass, Ozark."

He nodded understandingly. "I know, I know."

Shaking her head, she grabbed the plate and drink and made her way back through the crowd to Kakaron's table. "Here you go. If you need anything else, just give me a shout."

Kakaron smiled. "Thanks. I'll holler if I need you."

Alethia nodded before pushing through the crowd, passing the table where the guy reached out to pinch her once again. Alethia turned and slammed her tray down on his table. "Is there something I can get you?" she asked, her voice laced with irritation.

The guys sitting at the table laughed, while the one who had been grabbing her leaned back in his chair, grinning. "Well, what are you offering?"

Balling her hands into fists, Alethia replied, "We have many things on the menu that I explained to you earlier."

He curled his lips into a sly smirk. "No, I mean what are you offering?"

Alethia brushed aside the strands of hair obscuring her vision. "Listen, sir, I won't tolerate you groping me and assuming I'll entertain your advances. Now, unless you require another drink or more food, I suggest you let me return to my duties."

His fingers grazed down her arm, clasping her wrist tightly. "You're not going anywhere, wench."

Alethia recoiled. "I am not a wench. I am your waitress for the evening, and this establishment does not tolerate its staff being subjected to such derogatory terms. Do you comprehend?"

He pulled her closer, the scent of alcohol heavy on his breath. "I am a paying customer, and I will address you as I please. You will provide me with whatever I desire, do you understand?"

Alethia pushed him away, her palm connecting with his cheek in a resounding smack. "You will not lay a finger on me again. Leave now!"

He rose from his seat, his companions following suit, drawing their swords in one fluid motion. 

Alethia struggled to free her other hand from his grasp. "Release me!"

He smirked, rubbing his stinging cheek. "That hurt, you little bitch."

"It was meant to."

He retaliated with a sharp backhand across her face. "How does that feel, wench?"

Rubbing her cheek, Alethia pushed through the pain as Ryos materialized beside her. "What is the meaning of this?"

Alethia stomped on the man's foot, causing him to release his grip. She clenched her fist and delivered a powerful blow to his nose. He stumbled backward, crashing onto a nearby table with a thunderous thud. His friends advanced, unsheathing their swords, but Ryos swiftly interposed himself, brandishing his own blade.

Ozark tossed his dagger aside. "There will be no brawls in my establishment."

Ryos swiftly disarmed one of the men, his sword clattering to the floor. He then twisted the man's arm behind his back, pressing him against the wall.

Meanwhile, Alethia faced off against another assailant, deftly parrying his strike with the dagger concealed in her boot. He invaded her personal space, shoving her into another patron, and chaos ensued. The patron she collided with bellowed at the top of his lungs, "BAR FIGHT!"

Ozark quickly ushered Tadia beneath the bar as glasses shattered against the walls and bodies were hurled through windows. Alethia found herself confronted by three men, with Ryos nowhere to be seen. Kakaron, it seemed, had vanished without a trace.

"Oh, Ozark is going to have my head," Alethia muttered, sidestepping one of her attackers who lunged at her, only to trip over a chair and hurtle through the air. Seeking higher ground, Alethia leaped onto a nearby table.

The main door swung open, and Cordelia entered with the paperwork from her latest order run. A man hurtled past her, colliding headfirst into the wall. 

Cordelia's face lit up with a mischievous grin upon witnessing the bar fight. "Marvelous! A brawl!" Turning to the nearest combatant, she landed a solid punch to his jaw. Glancing at Alethia, she beamed. "I absolutely adore working here."

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