Chapter Eleven

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(Other Realm) 

The long-awaited day had finally arrived, and the bustling activity within the palace was evidence of the excitement that filled the air. Alethia sat in her chamber, meticulously brushing her hair as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Clad in a sapphire blue dress that accentuated her figure, she radiated elegance and grace. The dress, chosen by Alhanna, was a testament to her sister's desire to shine without overshadowing the beauty of the bride. Alethia admired herself in the mirror, her curls framing her face, adorned with a simple golden headpiece.

With a sigh, Alethia made her way to her sister's room to check on the bride. She gently tapped on the door, peeking inside. Alhanna stood before a full-length mirror, surrounded by servants who put the finishing touches on her dress and makeup. As soon as Alhanna caught sight of Alethia, her face lit up with a radiant smile, reminiscent of the sun at dawn.

Tears welled up in Alethia's eyes as she returned the smile, trying to be strong. Ever since their mother had ascended to the status of a Goddess and had become scarce in their lives, Alethia had assumed the role of the pillar of strength for her family. Alhanna, dressed in an exquisite white gown adorned with floral patterns of pearls and silver thread, looked breathtakingly beautiful. Her blond hair cascaded down in loose curls, framing her face, with a simple crown securing her veil. Alethia couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Taking her sister's hand in hers, she spoke with tenderness. 

"You are truly stunning, dear sister. Jarhan is a fortunate man. But what happened to Mother's dress? I thought you were going to wear it."

Alhanna's smile remained unwavering as she replied, "You resemble Mother more than I do. Besides, the eldest daughter should wear her dress. It should be you who wears Mother's gown when you marry Zepher, not me."

Alethia brushed away a stray strand of hair from Alhanna's face, her heart swelling with love for her sister. "You will be wed in forty minutes, and yet you still think of others instead of yourself. Now, I must go and check on Father, Cordelia, and our brothers."

Alhanna reminded her, "You know Mother is here today, right? You can relax and enjoy the day without taking care of the rest of us." Alethia smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "I want this day to be perfect for you, dear sister. I am glad that I can be here to assist in any way I can. Now, remember to smile and have a magical day."

Forty minutes later, Alethia gazed down the aisle, where the priest of Tamora and her new brother-in-law, Jarhan, stood. Jarhan, tall with long black hair held back by a simple headpiece, looked slightly out of place in his elegant ceremonial attire of blues, greens, and golds. Yet, it suited him perfectly.

Alethia turned her attention to Galen, who offered his arm to escort her down the aisle as the music began to play. She picked up her bouquet of red and white roses, intertwined with delicate baby's breath, and took Galen's arm. Together, they made their way down the aisle, with Cordelia escorted by Phraan. When they reached the end, each took their place, and the music transitioned into a different melody.

Marcus stood at the end of the aisle, where Alethia and Cordelia had stood. Alhanna stepped forward, her arm linked with his, as they began their slow descent down the aisle. Everyone in the hall rose and bowed in reverence to their king. Alethia's gaze shifted to one of the guards standing by the door, sensing something amiss, though she couldn't quite identify it.

The ceremony proceeded with the exchange of vows and the priest's blessing. When it concluded, the hall erupted in cheer for the newly married couple. Alethia and Cordelia stepped forward, enveloping their sister in a warm embrace, while Galen and Phraan acknowledged Jarhan as a new member of the family.

Jarhan and Alhanna dashed down the aisle, making their way to the horse-drawn carriage awaiting them outside, which would transport them to the reception. As the guests engaged in conversation, smiles exchanged between them, they gradually made their way to the next location—a serene forest where they could revel in the embrace of nature. Tables were arranged near a resplendent waterfall, emanating an ethereal glow.

The carriage, drawn by six majestic white horses, arrived, and the driver hopped down from the dickey box, opening the carriage door with a flourish. 

"Presenting Lord and Lady Valhere Starlight!" Alhanna and Jarhan emerged from the carriage, their smiles radiant as they waved to the assembled guests, before proceeding to their designated table.

The reception was a grand affair, with the bride and groom radiating joy in each other's presence. Soon, it was time for dinner and speeches, and everyone took their seats. The wedding party gathered around the main table, where a delectable feast awaited them. Alhanna's favorite dishes, complemented by an array of elegant fruits, were presented before the guests. As Alethia glanced at her plate, a flicker of concern passed through her eyes. Was it a longing for Zepher, or was there another underlying cause? Cordelia noticed her sister's distress and cast a worried look in her direction. Alethia shook her head, dismissing any worry. 

"Well, I suppose now is as good a time as any to deliver my speech," Alethia whispered to Cordelia, rising slowly from her seat. Clearing her throat, she commanded the attention of the room. All conversation ceased, and all eyes turned towards her. Unfazed by the sizable crowd, Alethia locked her gaze on her sister and new brother-in-law, a smile playing on her lips.

"I want to express my profound happiness for the both of you," Alethia began. "But Alhanna, you certainly know how to disrupt the proper order of things. I can't say I blame you, though. Not all of us can wait indefinitely for Cordelia to tie the knot. After all, she has turned down every suitor our father has brought through the door."

A few chuckles escaped from the assembled elves, and Alhanna struggled to contain her laughter. Cordelia, however, shot Alethia a fierce glare, muttering under her breath, "Why must I be married off, I'm not a princess?"

Alethia grinned mischievously. "You know, Alhanna, it's hard to believe that my baby sister has grown up and is now leaving us." The realization hit Alethia like a blow, and tears welled up in her eyes. 

"But no matter what lies ahead, no matter the distances that separate us, you must know that Cordelia and I will always be here for you, no matter what."

Overwhelmed by her sister's words, Alhanna rose from her seat, tears glistening in her eyes. She embraced Alethia tightly. "Oh, Alethia, I will always be here for you too, no matter what."

Returning the embrace, Alethia smiled through her tears. "No time for tears, my dear. This is a joyful occasion." 

Alhanna wiped her eyes, a smile gracing her face. "You're right, Alethia. Thank you."

Alethia's gaze shifted to Jarhan, and her grin took on a mischievous edge. "Well, Jarhan, all that remains for me to say is this: you had better take good care of my little sister. If anything were to happen to her, you had better find a safe haven, for I assure you, I would be relentless in my pursuit."

Jarhan paled at the thought, as the crowd erupted in applause. He leaned in, whispering in Alhanna's ear, "Surely, she wouldn't actually do anything to harm me, would she?"

Alhanna nodded, a smile dancing on her lips. "Of course she would, but you have nothing to fear, for you will never cause me harm or allow any misfortune to befall me."

 With a nod of understanding, Jarhan caught Alethia's eye as she resumed her seat, whispering to her not to worry.

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