Chapter Seventeen

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(Other Realms)

Alethia gracefully navigated through the bustling streets of the small human community, her vibrant blue outfit catching the eye of passersby. Her purposeful steps led her towards the charming tavern where she was to rendezvous with Cordelia. The midnight blue midriff and matching skirt she wore concealed her weaponry - a sword, a dagger on her belt, and three hidden daggers secreted away. Her bow, magically concealed within her glove alongside her quiver, completed her ensemble. Her hair flowed freely around her face, as if moved by an unseen breeze.

As she pushed open the tavern door, a delightful medley of scents greeted her senses - roast pork, veal, potatoes, ale, and the tang of the sea. This particular tavern was frequented by sailors, the very establishment Cordelia intended to strike a deal with tonight. She spotted Cordelia at the bar, sipping on a mug of ale. Cordelia, dressed in a green blouse and form-fitting black pants, had her sword and dagger hanging from her belt. Her burnet hair was neatly tied up, allowing her to twirl a silver piece between her fingers.

With a warm smile, Alethia made her way towards Cordelia, taking a seat and ordering a glass of wine from the barkeep. Cordelia took a sip of her ale before expressing her concern. "Are you sure about this?"

Alethia's smile widened as she accepted the wine. Taking a sip, she glanced at her sister. "You're the one who yearns to escape the confines of the palace, rejecting our father's offered wealth. I'm certain I can procure a few coins to aid you."

Cordelia nodded appreciatively. "You've always had a knack for this, better than I ever did," she chuckled, reminiscing about their mischievous escapades growing up.

"Well, you'll only have my assistance for a short while longer. Once I'm married, Zepher won't allow me to gallivant around, flirting with other men on your behalf," Alethia playfully teased.

Cordelia laughed, her gaze scanning the bar. "Look, there's a man sitting alone in the corner. He appears rather nervous. Perhaps you could make him feel more at ease, dear sister."

Rolling her eyes, Alethia followed Cordelia's line of sight. The man sat alone, his hood obscuring his face. Alethia's observant eyes detected the nervous darting of his gaze under the hood. Nodding in agreement, she shot one last glance at her sister before rising from her seat. Making her way towards the table, she gently placed her hand on the man's shoulder, sensing his tension at her touch. Pretending to stumble slightly, she positioned herself on his lap, feigning the effects of the wine. "Hello there, handsome. Care to share your name?"

Startled, the man's eyes widened as the fiery-haired beauty landed on his lap. Smirking, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Well, hello, beautiful. I'm Rakynos, but my friends call me Ryos."

Alethia gasped softly as she peered beneath the hood, her gaze meeting his dark red eyes and falling upon his black, shoulder-length hair. This was no ordinary human - she could sense the surge of power emanating from his being. Something about him felt off, instilling a creeping fear within her heart. Would her herb be enough to lull him to sleep?

With a charming smile, Ryos inquired, "And what might your name be, gorgeous?" 

Alethia shook off her unease, reminding herself of the promise she made to her sister - to aid her at all costs. Silently praying that her magical disguise would hold, she dared not reveal her true identity.

"Ruby," she giggled, running her hand along his chest. "So, Ryos, what brings you here all alone? It's no fun being lonely. Perhaps we could keep each other company."

Grinning, he flashed his fangs as his hand caressed her leg. "Indeed, loneliness is a tiresome companion. I'm sure I could provide you with ample company."

Alethia squirmed slightly, attempting to regain her composure. "How about I fetch us some drinks?"

Ryos nodded eagerly. "I'd love that." 

As Alethia stood, her hand lingered on his chest. "I'll be right back, handsome." 

She approached the bar and ordered another glass of wine and a mug of ale. Whispering to Cordelia as she discreetly dropped a leaf from her hip pouch into the ale, she shared her discovery. "He's some kind of demon. I hope this works." 

Cordelia nodded in understanding. "Good luck."

Returning to the table, she presented him with the mug, a grin playing on her lips as she nestled back onto his lap. Her fingers traced a path along his chest, mirroring his hand as it caressed her thigh, all the while savoring the taste of her wine. Alethia discreetly counted down the minutes in her mind, calculating how much time remained before she needed to subtly suggest retiring to his room. After a half hour of revelry and playful banter, she rested her head upon his chest, her voice softening. "All this excitement has left me utterly drained. Perhaps we should make our way upstairs to your chamber."

A smile crept across Ryos' face as he set down his empty mug. "If that is truly your desire, we can retire for some well-deserved rest."

Slipping off his lap with a smile, Alethia stood and took his hand, allowing him to lead her up the stairs to one of the rented chambers. Ryos deftly inserted his key into the lock, pushing the door open and ushering Alethia inside before securing the door behind him. Seated on the edge of the bed, he watched her closely as he discarded his weapons belt and cloak onto a nearby chair. Alethia could discern that he was employing magic to conceal his true appearance. Her gaze followed his movements as he untied his money pouch, placing it on the table next to his key before turning to face her.

"You are truly a vision, Ruby. If you were aware of who I truly am, you would flee this room in terror and never look back."

Biting her lip, Alethia shook her head. "Why do you say such things? Reveal to me your true self."

He smirked, taking a seat beside her, his hand resting gently on her leg. "Only if you first unveil your true identity, Princess."

Alethia sprang off the bed, swiftly turning to face him, her hand instinctively reaching for the dagger at her hip.

He laughed heartily, shaking his head. "Trust me, my dear, that will do naught against me."

"How? How long have you known?" she stammered.

He smirked, the corners of his lips curling mischievously. "Since the moment you sat upon my lap. So, tell me, are you truly willing to lie with a demon tonight? Or did you have other intentions for me?"

Retreating towards the door, Alethia stammered, "I... how did you..."

In a blur, he stood before her, pressing her against the door as he peered down at her. "Seeking to sow some wild oats before your wedding night, are you?"

Shaking her head, her gaze locked with his, her heart racing within her chest. The energy pulsating through him and into her was more intoxicating than any libation she had ever imbibed. It evoked a familiar sensation, akin to the way Kakaron made her feel during the wedding, but amplified to an entirely new level more familiar as if she had been here before.  "I... I needed funds for my adopted sister. She plans to depart the palace and sought my assistance."

He chuckled, trailing a finger along her jawline, causing her knees to weaken. "So, you thought to drug me and then abscond with my belongings after promising me a pleasurable encounter, is that it?"

Blushing and averting her gaze, she murmured, "Just allow me to depart. I promise, you will never see me again."

He stepped away, releasing her. "I never intended to coerce you into anything you did not desire, Princess." Walking over to the table where he had left his money pouch, he retrieved it and tossed it towards her. "Take it. I have no use for it."

Catching the pouch, she was taken aback. "Are... are you certain? I did attempt to drug you."

He smirked. "Emphasis on 'attempt,' my dear. I am immune to most poisons and herbs. Besides, it was for your sister, you claimed. So, take it."

Nodding slowly, still clutching the pouch in her hand, she managed to whisper, "Thank... thank you."

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