3yo: Mommy, it's tomorrow! Everywhere in this city! That's so cool!
3yo (singing): Twinkle twinkle little girl / in a crazy broken world.
3yo: Oh my Holy Macaroni!
3yo (to 1yo as I back out of the driveway): Please keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. Thank you.
Me: I think 1yo's hair really is strawberry blonde.
Husband (to 1yo): You can't get that color out of a bottle. A lot of people are going to be jealous of you. Don't let it get to your head.
1yo: *Starts crying.*
Me: "But Daddy! It's already growing on my head!"
3yo: Mommy! I want to watch "The 149 Dalmatian Puppies!"
3yo: Mommy, what was that?
Me: What was what?
3yo: What was that fart?
Me: I don't know.
3yo: It was me!
3yo (alarmed): What was that?!?
Me: Thunder. From the storm outside.
3yo (laughing): Oh! Daddy musta farted!
Me: Do you want to use the potty?
3yo: Not today.
Me: Don't you want to be a grownup? Do grownups wear diapers?
3yo: No, you wear underwear!
Me: When you learn to go on the potty you can wear underwear, too!
3yo: And when you turn 3 you can go in your diapers, like me!
Me (to husband): Guess who was up for 3 hours last night putting 1yo back to sleep?
3yo: Me!
Me: No, me.
3yo: Po-tay-toh, po-tah-toh.
3yo: Is this your package, Mommy?
Me: Yes. Don't open it! That's Mommy's.
3yo: Okay. I love you Mommy! You're the best Mommy in the world.
Me: Awwww. Thank you!
3yo (reaching for the package again): Let's hug and close our eyes!
3yo (to 1yo): You are the sweetest girl in the whole wide world.